To Test... the Untestable Code

September 9, 2016
Maybe you hear it often, or maybe you've said it yourself: I would write an automated test for it if it wasn't impossible to test. Is it impossible though? Let's get creative.

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Encapsulation and Information Hiding

May 25, 2016
What does it mean to have "strong encapsulation" and to "hide information"? Are getters and setters enough? An exploration of designing classes that reveal as little as possible.

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Intersection and Union Types

March 15, 2016
Buckle up for a trip down the rabbit hole! What are intersection types and union types, can we use them in Java, and why would we want to?

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Inheritance and Delegation

February 17, 2016
We learn a lot about inheritance, and our languages often have constructs that lead us to using it as the solution to many modeling problems. But then we're also told we should prefer delegation to inheritance. What gives?

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Objects, Values and API Design

February 9, 2016
Some OO languages like Java have historically only provided one way to create new types: the class keyword. But there's a difference between defining value types and object types, and that difference bleeds over in to API design.

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